Gulpin Meme Funny Bodies Hit the Floor

Moment Pages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.


  • The ENTIRETY of the deleted alternate opening, which shows Tim at his job on his 21st birthday — and a customer calling to ask if they provide life insurance for Pokémon.

    Tim: I understand that your Togepi shares his happiness with others, but the fact remains we—
    [his co-worker hangs up the phone]
    Tim: What are you doing, Fillmore?!
    Fillmore: Saving you from the dumbest call EVER on your birthday?!

  • Tim realizing that he and Jack weren't at the field to catch Jack a Pokémon.

    Tim: Tell me, you didn't plan this, Jack.
    Jack: I'm sorry, are, are-
    Tim: Jack, tell me you didn't plan this.
    Jack: Are you serious? How dare you! Okay, of course not, come on! (beat) Okay, maybe.

  • Tim's friend Jack telling him why Cubone is the perfect Pokémon companion for him.

    Jack: I've thought long and hard about this, okay? Water-type is not right for you, neither is fire-type. But Cubone is-
    Tim: Lonely.
    Jack: Exactly!

  • While sad when you know the backstory of Cubone and why it's crying so loudly, you gotta admit, it's kind of a funny sight to see and hear. There's also something wildly amusing about Tim running away from a small Pokémon that barely reaches past his calf.
  • Tim's Epic Fail attempt to capture a Cubone, starting off by making it mad by commenting on its wearing the skull of a dead relative and ending with the small Pokémon attacking him and sending Tim flying.

    Jack: Run!
    Jack: I can see that!

    • As Tim gets back up, you can see the Cubone laughing in the background.
  • Tim telling his friend that he was making do with what he had and that he was getting a promotion soon at the insurance company.

    Jack: Like what? Senior insurance appraiser?
    Tim: (beat) Actually that's two levels up from where I am.

  • While on the train to Ryme City, a Lickitung walks up to Tim and lets its long tongue fall out of its mouth. Tim halfheartedly tells the Pokémon not to lick him as the tongue approaches his face, but otherwise does absolutely nothing to stop it.
    • Once that's done, the Lickitung bounces up and down happily for seemingly no reason.
  • Lt. Yoshida tries to reassure Tim that his unfriendly-looking Snubbull is actually nice and cute. When he tries to pet him in front of Tim, Snubbull growls and he cautiously moves his hand away. To top it off, Snubbull is happy to receive head scratches as soon as Tim leaves.
  • Lucy complaining about the kind of assignments she gets as an unpaid intern, like compiling "top 10 cutest Pokémon" lists for the CNM blog.

    Tim: Yeah, my grandma loves those.

    Lucy: Yeah. Newsflash, they're ALL cute!

    • Lucy trying to act like a reporter from a noir film, but she just comes off as a Large Ham.
      • Her later attempt at a cafe is just as bad, trying to sit in a different booth behind Tim, attempting to hand him a folder only for Tim to knock it out of her hands since she told him not to look at her (Lucy lets out the only 'shit' of the movie here), and the two of them hitting their heads together trying to pick up the papers. Eventually, Pikachu tells Tim to tell her to just sit at the table with them.
  • Right when Tim enters his dad's apartment, there's a voice asking "Who is it?" which really comes from the fictional movie from Home Alone, Angels with Filthy Souls playing on Harry's TV.
  • Tim's weapon against an intruder in his father's apartment is a stapler.
    • And Pikachu's reaction to it:
  • What makes this even funnier is that prior to unfolding the stapler, the lighting of the room plus the way Tim is holding it makes it look like he was wielding a gun.
  • Tim also has some trouble dealing with this.

    Tim: I'm gonna throw up. I'm gonna throw up.

    [ ... ]

  • Later, when he's introducing himself:

    Pikachu: So there I was. I woke up with a heavy case of the forgetsies in the middle of nowhere, and the only clue to my past is Harry's name and address inside this hat. So I made my way to the apartment, and that's when I found you! And your stapler gun.

  • Tim running out into the street without his pants and screaming that everyone needs to run because of the crazy Aipoms. Pikachu tells Tim he should have gone with sky-blue briefs. Cue Tim covering himself while the now not-crazy Aipoms are walking in his pants and cheerfully returning them.
  • Pikachu frequently yelling "Oh my god!" and "A man is dying!" while running from the Aipoms.
    • Pikachu suggests diving down a garbage chute to get away from the Aipom, Tim refuses:

      Pikachu: Great idea, let me know how it goes with the super crazy Pokémon. You died a hero! (jumps down the chute)

  • Tim asks a passerby if she can understand Pikachu. Keep in mind Tim hears Pikachu as speaking English in the voice of Ryan Reynolds. The woman looks at Pikachu, who speaks... and in her perspective we see she's hearing the stock anime "Pika, Pika!" cry in Ikue Otani's cutesy voice.

    Tim: You can hear him, right?
    Pikachu: Pika-pika!
    Woman: Yeah! Pika pika pika! He's adorable!
    Pikachu: You're adorable! They can't understand me, kid.

    • Tim tries hard to convince people that he's being chased by angry Aipom, who have calmed down by the time he ran into a public street. Pantless. It doesn't help that he lets out that he inhaled some gas (R) which paints him as a drug addict. Tim realizes his mistake too late, trying to backpedal while everyone hurries away from him.
    • Pikachu breezily elaborating that people "pet me, they kiss me, they put their finger in me."
  • The scene in the market has an OCTILLERY serving SUSHI. Just... better not be Tako Sushi.
  • At a cafe, a Jigglypuff is singing to a man, and you can already guess what the poor guy is doing. Seems like the cup of coffee next to him didn't help.
    • Becomes a Brick Joke when Tim and Pikachu return to the café later, and the same Jigglypuff is having trouble with another customer falling asleep.
  • Tim starts getting weird looks at the cafe because no one else can hear Pikachu speaking English, so he has to pull up his phone and pretend to talk to it, while smiling awkwardly to the other patrons who were staring at him. This barely helps at all because their conversation is still so weird.
    • He then has to do this a few more times when a man with his Purrloin glare at him.
  • It turns out that Det. Pikachu also has a heavy addiction to caffeine. Which leaves Tim incredulous.

    Tim: So you're a talking Pikachu with no memories who's addicted to caffeine.
    Pikachu: I can stop whenever I want. These are just choices.

    • Pikachu ordering more coffee at the bar after drinking three cups.

      Pikachu: (at a bar ordering a coffee) Another round, extra shot, [sotto voce] black as night, thank you sweetie.
      Ludicolo barista: LUDICOLO!

    • The best part? Pikachu's coffee addiction makes canonical sense. He himself admits his nature isn't Modest, and the most likely nature given his personality is obviously Sassy. What flavor do Sassy Pokémon prefer? Bitter.
  • After Tim breaks the news to Pikachu that Harry is dead, Pikachu does a quick Spit Take to Tim's disgust.
  • Pikachu believes that Harry's still alive, so he declares, "Case closed! ... But still open until I solve it!"
    • While discussing what happened to Harry, Pikachu ends up accidentally hitting Tim a few times with his tail. You can just about see Tim's patience fraying.
    • Pikachu runs through a few options for what happened to Harry, including Harry faking someone ELSE'S death. He immediately realizes that that theory makes no sense.
  • When Pikachu brings Tim to his apartment:

    Pikachu: I don't usually do this. I'm not that kind of Pokémon.

  • When Pikachu is raiding the room Harry made up for Tim:

    Pikachu: I can't help but notice your childhood bed is a Pikachu bed.
    Tim: It's a coincidence.
    Pikachu: I'm sorry, what? I can't hear you. I've never been so flattered and creeped out at the same time, are you going to turn me into a lampshade?
    Tim: I might!

  • Since his clothes are ruined, Tim has to wear some of his dad's clothes. Which he does, and momentarily poses himself in front of the mirror to admire himself.
  • Pikachu revealing to Tim the vial that contained the gas that had made the Aipom go crazy the previous night.

    Pikachu: (sounding totally serious) Smell my finger.

    Tim: I will never smell your finger.

    Pikachu: Coward.

    • Then Pikachu sniffs his own finger and hiccups with a cute squeak.
  • When Lucy sees Pikachu she starts petting him and scratching him under the chin. He starts acting like every pet who's getting scratched in a good spot.

    Pikachu: She's tryin' to work me, kid, but trust me, I can—(she scratches under his chin) Oh sweet...mother of Arceus note This is the first time that the word "Arceus" has been used as a replacement for "God" in any Pokémon media outside of fanfics, making this joke double as a nod and a wink to the fandom that feels so good. (Pikachu starts kicking a leg) Uhhh, what happened??

  • When Lucy tells Tim about Harry having an informant near the harbor, she tells him that it's dangerous going alone to an area like that at night. Tim's response? He's good at being alone at night. Cue Pikachu cringing and Lucy looking mildly alarmed.
  • Pikachu realizing Lucy's Pokémon is a Psyduck and freaking out about being next to the closest thing to a living bomb and starts sending Psyduck into a panic. He then immediately tries to calm the poor Pokémon down.

    Pikachu: (looking at Lucy's "office") This isn't an office, it's a coffin with pencils.
    Psyduck: Psyduck?
    Pikachu: Yeah, that's right. I can talk to the kid and he can talk to me. We're gifted. (whispering harshly to Tim) You didn't tell me she has a Psyduck! These things explode, when they're stressed! (calmly to Psyduck) Hey, hey, 'kay calm down.
    Psyduck: (currently freaking out) Psyduck! Psyduck! Psyduck! Psyduck!
    Pikachu: (in a hushed but stressed voice) Serenity now~, serenity now~.

  • Tim asks in the warehouse if Pikachu saw what he saw, but Pikachu thinks he meant "smell".

    Pikachu: Sorry, silent but deadly. My tummy's bad from all the coffee.

    • Cue a disgusted Tim making Pikachu get off his shoulder.
  • Mr. Mime never lets up with the miming and even has sound effects for everything he does like it was actually happening.
    • He changes his expressions by swiping a hand past his face.
    • When Mr. Mime is spotted, he tries to get away by running in place. Tim points out he's barely moving, prompting Pikachu to say, "Don't tell him that." Mr. Mime then pretends he's riding a motorcycle, complete with his hair billowing in the wind. Tim stops him by pretending he's a wall, causing Mr. Mime to crash in slow motion.

      Pikachu: Oh no. He's going down hard, Tim. Should've worn a helmet. I hope he makes it.

    • While being interrogated, Mr. Mime makes it look like he's sitting in an invisible chair.
    • Tim's method of making Mr. Mime talk? Threatening to burn him alive via imaginary gasoline. While this succeeds in making him spill the beans, Tim accidentally drops his imaginary lit match onto the still imaginary gasoline.
    • Unlike Tim, Pikachu isn't quite as good at solving Mr. Mime's miming. Alongside the "you can shove it" joke, as Tim is pouring gasoline on the Mr. Mime, he makes several guesses at to what Tim is actually doing. All of them way off mark. Mr. Mime even pauses in his panicking to give him a look of complete bafflement. He then helpfully explains what Tim is actually doing, before going right back to panicking.
    • Pikachu's reaction to Tim going really far in this bad cop routine?

      Pikachu: That got dark really fast. I like this, I like this very much.

    • At one point, when he's cooperating...

      Pikachu: (as Mr. Mime is miming something) Use your body-words! Where? Enough with the games! Say it! JUST TALK, YOU STUPID MIME! (Cut to Mr. Mime, who looks unbelievably offended at the command)

    • Inside the mime room, Tim attempts to light a match that Mr. Mime easily snuffs out twice, which results in Tim walking out of the room (after hitting his head on a wall) and making a gasoline trail leading out of the room to light with the match.
    • The Castilian Spanish dub translates the "you can shove it" joke as a Precision F-Strike stronger than the few "hell"s and "damn"s the original English dialogue has to offer (translation of the actual Spanish dialogue below).

      Tim: He's saying you can go fuck yourself.
      Pikachu: Fuck myself!?

  • Pikachu's first impression of the deliberately shirtless Large Ham Sebastian.

    Pikachu: All I hear are consonants and all I see are nipples.

    • He comments earlier that he would like to see this guy's internet search history.
  • As Pikachu enters the ring, he notices how much chemical R Charizard was given and tries to escape. Tim tries to reassure him by telling him all the moves he has, but Pikachu is having none of it.

    Pikachu: First of all, when did you learn how to be a Pokémon trainer?! And secondly get me the hell out of here!!

    • Pikachu tries to gear up for his battle against Charizard, but he finds himself unable to produce lightning.

    Tim: Hey, bud? What are you doing?
    Pikachu: I can't do it with people watching.

    • As an added bonus, Pikachu's body language makes him look like he is doing something else entirely.
    • As he gets cornered, he has only this to say.

      Pikachu: You don't want to hurt me! I'm adorable! (curling into a ball) Pika-pika?

  • When not under the effects of R, even Charizard can be surprisingly cute/funny, including it seemingly getting into a staring contest with Pikachu when trying to intimidate it, and later its Oh, Crap! reaction to Gyarados appearing note which is understandable since it has a type disadvantage, and because Gyarados has the ability Intimidate.
    • Pikachu planning on using the Magikarp so it can evolve and become a Gyarados. However, it is still a Magikarp, so it flops uselessly around in the puddle of water. Tim says exactly what the audience is thinking.

      Tim: Magikarp is the worst!

      • Then when it turns into a Gyarados, everyone immediately reacts accordingly.

        Pikachu: Hey, Tim? I don't float. (Gyarados blasts everyone out of the underground ring)

      • Freeze-Frame Bonus/Mythology Gag: Pikachu kicked the Magikarp to make it evolve.

        Pikachu: It just needs a little kick! (kicks the Magikarp) ...In my head, I saw that differently.

    • When Gyarados lets out a huge flood to wash away Charizard — taking Tim and Pikachu with him.

      Pikachu: Well, what do you know, Tim? I told ya Magikarp wasn't useless!

    • The irony to all this being that they were trying to use Gyarados against Charizard. By the time the thing does evolve, Charizard snapped out of his R-induced rage and is currently wondering what the heck is going on. So now all three find themselves facing down an angry water dragon Pokémon.
  • At one point, after an Eevee evolves into a Flareon, Howard comments about it evolving into the best version of itself. Flareon is often considered the weakest of the Eeveelutions, which can lead to some snorts.
  • At the fight club, we see trainers with their rough and tough Pokémon... and one woman with a cute little Togepi that she is carrying while stroking its head as it looks around.
    • Said Togepi is later seen in the crowds cheering the fight.
  • Lucy is driving everyone to the laboratory, and in the back Pikachu is strapped into a booster seat next to Psyduck while aggressively relaxing Musak can be heard, which causes Pikachu to ask the following to Psyduck:

    Pikachu: So let me get this right: we're forced to listen to this spa music, so your head doesn't explode and kill us all.
    Psyduck: (nods) Psyduck!

    • Gets better when Psyduck decides to abuse this setup to manipulate Pikachu into giving him a foot massage. From Pikachu's reaction and the tone of Psyduck's voice, he was totally evoking Shame If Something Happened.
    • Then while complaining about being sat next to Psyduck after Dr. Ann Laurent's status as a Pokémon neurologist comes up.

      Pikachu: Maybe she can weigh in on the psychological effects of strapping Pokémon into a baby seat, next to a bomb!

  • As they break in, Lucy flips in gracefully and catches Psyduck, whereas Tim struggles to get inside and falls flat on his back and nearly drops Pikachu when he jumps down.
  • As the group is fleeing the Greninja, Psyduck's headache is slowly growing as it begins to panic, and during their chase, you can hear Lucy and Tim trying to keep Psyduck calm by telling it that everything was alright. Pikachu, on the other hand, has other ideas:

    Pikachu: I hated rubbing your feet, I'll never forgive my hands for what they did! Get a splitting headache now, you neurotic duck!

    • Due to the chaos of the scene, it's easy to mishear the "neurotic duck" line as "neurotic fuck"—something that shouldn't be in a PG-rated movie.
  • When the gang comes across the "garden" of Torterra, which appear as the earth beneath their feet starts to shift.

    Pikachu: At this point, how can you deny climate change?!

  • Pikachu sadly singing the original Pokémon theme song.
  • When Tim first arrives in Ryme City, there's a Snorlax asleep in the middle of a bike lane. At the end of the film, it is still sleeping in the exact same place. Guess nobody in Ryme City has a Poké Flute.
  • As Tim prepares to fight off the Ditto, it takes on Lucy's form, which Tim calls out for not being fair.

    Tim: I have no qualms hitting a beady-eyed version of the woman I am very attracted to— (gets hit)

    • A bit of Irony? The Ditto takes the form of a Cubone and hits Tim's fingers as he dangles off the edge of the building.
    • Tim is rescued from Ditto!Cubone by Roger Clifford, who absolutely homeruns the diminutive Pokémon out the window with a floor lamp. And then Ditto transforms into a large flying Pokémon and bodyslams him right back, knocking him out cold.
  • In the final scene, upon the matter of getting a coffee comes up, Harry remarks that "I've felt that coffee has been on my mind a while", meaning all the coffee/etc. He had was the only thing he remembers from that time.
    • It can also imply that the Must Have Caffeine thing was something Pikachu did even before they fused and now he's passed on the habit to Harry.
  • Mewtwo's quote to Pikachu reads like a line from a poorly translated 90s game. Spoken in a dead serious tone:

    Mewtwo: "Humanity is evil. But you have shown me that not all humans are bad."


  • The song they use for the first trailer is The Turtles' "Happy Together" (though maybe in this universe they're the Squirtles?).
    • Also something of a Mythology Gag, as that song was most famously used in Pikachu's very first live-action appearance, a commercial for Super Smash Bros. 64.
  • Ryan Reynolds discusses his intense process for getting into the role of Detective Pikachu. Even his real-life wife Blake Lively acknowledges the intensity of the role.

    Ryan: I was on my way to pick up my daughters from school when I heard that I got the role. I didn't show up at school, 'cause Detective Pikachu, he doesn't know who those two little girls are. Who are they?
    Blake: They're our daughters. You just left them!

  • There's also the overarching belief among the fandom that Ryan Reynolds took the role as Pikachu just so he could make fun of it (and himself) in his next portrayal as Deadpool.
    • Speaking of Deadpool, there's the fact that not only is Deadpool in this movie, but so is Dopinder. Karan Soni, the actor who plays Dopinder in the Deadpool movies, appears briefly at the beginning as Tim's trainer friend Jack. At this point, it wouldn't be surprising if Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz or Josh Brolin were slated to appear in the sequel.
  • A supposed "leaked" copy of the film hit the internet with about a minute or so of the movie's footage... and then devotes the rest of the hour and 40-minute runtime to a video of Pikachu dancing, on a loop.
    • The watermark on the video deserves special mention, a slight clue to the supposed "leaker": R. Reynolds.
    • Even better is that the dance loop starts at the 69 second mark. Trying to slip in some Deadpool humor eh Mr. Reynolds?
    • The fact that the dance itself is a Shout-Out to Key & Peele, something which both Jordan Peele and Ryan Reynolds had fun with.
  • When a twitter link to a news article featured the rather lewd title, Ryan Reynolds put in his own two cents.

    "Avengers" Beat Off "Pikachu" at Box-Office
    Ryan Reynolds: Pikachu is a family film.

  • The Blu-Ray has a bonus feature involving an audio commentary to the Mr. Mime interrogation scene... as narrated by Mr. Mime.


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